Physiotherapy Department
The physiotherapy department aims to maximize the quality of life of our patients by using a wide range of treatment techniques to restore movement and functions of the body. It provides specialized services and physical rehabilitation programs for patients of all age groups. Our team of physiotherapists works closely with specialists for giving pre-operative and post-operative physiotherapist interventions to OPD & IPD patients. Physiotherapy helps to improve movement dysfunction, pain problems, illness/ disease, post-traumatic/surgical problems to promote functions of the human body & optimal health.
Services Available
- Deep Heat Therapy
- IFT (Interferential Therapy
- TENS (Transcutaneous Electrical nerve stimulation)
- Wax Bath
- MS (Muscle Stimulator)
- US (Ultrasound therapy)
- Traction
- Hot Pack
- LASER (Light Amplification by Stimulated Emission of Radiation)
- Pain Management
- Post-Surgical Rehab
Our Physiotherapist Doctor
Dr. Harjeet Kaur
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